Diamond Level


◦  Official Games, No tweaks
  ▪  TapTap is an online gaming community and platform for downloading games available via
    web browser of PC/MAC, on Android and on iOS.
  ▪  TapTap only publish official games. TapTap is a only game platform that supports premium
  ▪  TapTap provides a daily list of high quality games independently curated by our editors,
    letting players relax while they buy, download and share great game content. All they care
    about is finding that next great game to play.
◦  No click farmers, No bots, Provide a real rankings
  ▪  We don’t work with click farmers and bots. All ratings and results for TapTap are based on
    actual players’ feedback.
  ▪  The TapTap community produces vast amounts of user-generated content daily, with users
    and developers communicating directly to optimize game content.
  ▪  TapTap hosts over 1000 game producers and media outlets, their interaction creates a
    focused, pure and knowledgeable environment for game dialog.
◦  Easy, Professional, Win-win
  ▪  An easy to operate, multilingual developer backend combines with real-time open-source
    data analysis and ad-serving software means TapTap is the easiest platform for developers
    to use.
  ▪  TapTap brings together great games with the players who are looking for them.


About AMD
For more than 45 years AMD has driven innovation in high-performance computing, graphics and visualization technologies ― the building blocks for gaming, immersive platforms and the datacenter. Hundreds of millions of consumers, leading Fortune 500 businesses and cutting-edge scientific research facilities around the world rely on AMD technology daily to improve how they live, work and play. AMD employees around the world are focused on building great products that push the boundaries of what is possible. For more information about how AMD is enabling today and inspiring tomorrow, visit the AMD (NASDAQ: AMD)website,blog,Facebook andTwitter pages.

Google Play

Google Play is the world’s largest software entertainment platform, bringing the magic of Google to apps, games, and entertainment.

Gold Level

Google Cloud

Google Cloud is Google’s unique and broad portfolio of products, technologies and services that let our customers operate easily in a digital world with the performance they demand. Google Cloud spans every layer of the business, including all of Google Cloud Platform; our user facing collaboration and productivity applications - now named G Suite; all of our machine learning tools and APIs; the enterprise Maps APIs; and also the Android phones, tablets and Chromebooks that access the cloud. All this, built for the cloud from the get-go.

Visit: https://cloud.google.com/solutions/gaming/


Rayark was founded in 2011. As of now, we've released: Cytus, Mandora, DEEMO, Implosion, VOEZ, Cytus II, and Sdorica -sunset-, covering genres from music rhythm, ARPG to causal. Rayark has always maintained a high standard for the quality of our games, as we want them all to be treasured classics.

Amazon Web Services

For over 12 years, Amazon Web Services has been the world’s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform. AWS offers over 125 fully featured services for compute, storage, databases, networking, analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), mobile, security, hybrid, virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR), media, and application development, deployment, and management from 55 Availability Zones (AZs) within 18 geographic regions and one Local Region around the world, spanning the U.S., Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Japan, Korea, Singapore, and the UK. AWS services are trusted by millions of active customers around the world—including the fastest-growing startups, largest enterprises, and leading government agencies—to power their infrastructure, make them more agile, and lower costs.

Silver Level


Winking Entertainment was established in 2003, dedicated ever since to the creation of moving stories and high-quality visuals. With over 15 years of game-development and art-outsourcing experience, Winking Entertainment has turned that expertise and formed global game publishing network.
Our publishing services on all major gaming platforms are available in all regions, including North and South America, Europe, Japan and Asia.Currently Winking Entertainment works with numerous developers and publishers to bring their products to the Asian market, focusing especially on localization for the Greater China and Japan regions. Conversely, Winking also provides opportunities for Asian developers to distribute their games to the Euro-American market as well.


Akatsuki Inc. is a company with a vision “A society that develops with positive emotion as a reward”, mainly engaged in the provision of social games in the entertainment area, founded in Tokyo, Japan in 2010.

Being one of the fast-growing companies in Asia, Akatsuki Inc. is now a Tokyo Stock exchange listed company reaches over 600 employees and has received honor as the inaugural Financial Times 1,000 High-Growth Companies Asia-Pacific 2018 list, the 3rd place of the games industry section.

Founded in 2014, Akatsuki Taiwan Inc. has become the hub of global game operation and is focused on original game development. Akatsuki Taiwan Inc. is looking for talents who are positive and enthusiastic about furthering their careers in game development. If you are looking for an opportunity to challenge yourself and collaborate with other talented individuals, welcome to join us, Akatsuki Taiwan Inc.!


Since its founding in 2009, Xiang Shang Games (XSG) has stayed true to its business values of integrity, innovation, and customer satisfaction, providing clients with reliable gaming solutions tailored to their business needs.
With R&D at its core, XSG’s technology forms the backbone in a variety of products such as interactive social gaming platforms, livestreaming technology, LAN-based solutions, and revolutionary Virtual Reality (VR) and Mixed Reality (MR) games.
XSG’s market-proven products are successful in Japan, US, Mexico, and numerous countries in Southeast Asia. The company will continue building an outstanding international brand by providing products and services in line with the highest global standards.

GMO Cloud

Photon is the best multiplayer networking engine among the industry. It is cross-platform, works with Unity and all major engines.
Suitable for any kind of developer, from indies to AAA productions.

Bronze Level


CloudMile is an AI company helping enterprise leverage the power of data through machine learning and big data analytics. We have earned over 30 professional certificates by Google Cloud, including Cloud Architect and Data Engineer, etc.

愛卡拉 - GCP專門家

"GCP Expert", a subsidiary of iKala Group, has been Google Cloud Premier Partner since 2016. We have helped hundreds of enterprises run their services on Google Cloud Platform. We cover industries spanning gaming, e-commerce, media, ad tech, finance, and medical services. We provide AI solution, big data solution, GCP training program, migration solution, technical consulting, 24/7 technical support, cloud security assessment, billing support.


HTC Vive™是一套由HTC與Valve®合作開發,現今市場上唯一可讓使用者自由移動探索的虛擬設備,我們為虛擬實境的領域立下標竿,並制訂了全面性的行銷計畫,與眾多內容開發夥伴攜手,努力朝目標邁進。HTC致力於滿足消費者需求,不斷運用熱情與智能,突破創新科技的瓶頸來創造、連結並體驗全新的「真實」。HTC Vive™推出以來深獲市場好評,HTC猶如踏在虛擬實境起飛的浪頭,引領業界卻精益求精,未來致力於打造更高解析度、更輕盈的頭戴顯示器及更加沉浸的體驗方式,除此之外,HTC亦與相關產業夥伴合作,從軟硬體的角度打造虛擬實境平台。過去,HTC引以為傲的技術改變了行動通訊的世界;未來,在虛擬實境改變人類生活的同時,HTC亦不會缺席。

Supporting Partners

TIGEA 獨立遊戲生態圈聯盟

Taiwan Independent Game Ecosystem Alliance(TIGEA) is comprised of partners who have passion on Taiwan indie-game space: Bahamut, DIT Startup, GASH, iKala, Manapool, TGDF, Twitch, WeBackers and Winking Entertainment, Their business scopes cover early-stage investment, incubation, crowd-funding, game testing, media exposure, cloud service, live streaming and global publishing. TIGEA will serve as an information hub for Taiwan indie game community and is aimed to facilitate collaboration between indie game developers and TIGEA partners. For international indie-game developers who is interested in Taiwan game market, you may also contact TIGEA for more information.






We are a group of Ruby lovers in Taiwan and live closely with Ruby/Rails.
Our ultimate goal is for more enterprises in Taiwan to know about this elegant and productive programming language, and to adopt it as their primary development tool to speed up their workflow, and more importantly, have fun with it.

Digital Taipei

Digital Taipei is the ONLY B2B trade fair of digital content industry of Taiwan, and it is fully supported by central government.

In 2018, the mission of Digital Taipei is "Connecting You To The World". It not only includes wide range of industry, namely digital games, e-learning, IP licensing, AR/VR innovation, OTT videos, live stream content, and payment service, but also involves in talent matching and business pitching. Digital Taipei aims to play the role as a bridge between top Taiwanese professionals and world stage.

Taiwan has one of the best technology talent pool and 5th highest mobile penetration rate globally, which gives the island strong producing and consuming power in digital content.

To boost your business in Asia Pacific, don't ever miss Digital Taipei!


TIMU 台中獨立遊戲開發者聚會(Taichung Indies Meet Up)。
TIMU 不僅是遊戲開發者們的家,更是所有愛好遊戲的好朋友們可以一起同樂的好所在。
TIMU 定期舉辦各式與遊戲相關的活動,包括遊戲開發者分享會、玩家PK遊戲開發者聚會、各式Game Jam 活動、遊戲相關Workshop …. 等等,歡迎大家一起來玩。


高雄獨立遊戲開發者聚會(Kaohsiung Indies Meet Up),簡稱KIMU。2012年由高雄市數位內容創意中心協助成立,定期協助高雄市政府經發局舉辦遊戲開發者聚會、Game Jam以及高雄遊戲週等創作研習活動,是一個以高雄為據點推動遊戲創作風氣、促進產業國際交流的非營利性社群組織。


台北市電腦商業同業公會(Taipei Computer Association),簡稱「台北市電腦公會」,成立於1974年11月5日,創立宗旨為優化台灣、全球接軌、開創新機、創造價值。自創會以來,以推動台灣智慧社會為己任,致力推廣台灣數位內容產業發展為目標,本會是台灣資訊產業一大龍頭,現任理事長由和碩聯合科技股份有限公司童子賢董事長擔任。目前會員數已突破4000家,包含ACER、ASUS、Microsoft、Intel、IBM、HP等八成以上台灣菁英企業,為促進產業交流與發掘台灣新創團隊與企業,本會每年定期舉辦產業交流活動,例如Taipei Game Show、COMPUTEX TAIPEI等展會,每年累計參觀人潮達360萬人次。

Summer Game Show

2018首度舉辦的Summer Game Show(簡稱SGS)主要提供原創遊戲作品發表平台,鼓勵創作團隊與民眾能有更多交流分享的機會,規劃了以獨立遊戲為主的「Indie Space」與「夏日桌遊樂園」兩大主題展區,還有原創電子漫畫平台、KOL舞台互動等精彩內容。



1979年5月17日,行政院第1631次院會通過「科學技術發展方案」,決定由政府與民間共同籌設「財團法人資訊工業策進會」。同年7月24日,在資政 李國鼎先生的大力奔走下,創設以「推廣資訊技術有效應用,提升國家整體競爭力;塑造資訊工業發展環境與條件,增強資訊產業競爭力」為宗旨的「財團法人資訊工業策進會」(Institute for Information Industry, III)。



IGDA 全名為 International Game Developers Association,中譯為國際遊戲開發者協會,為國際著名的遊戲開發者相關非營利組織。目前全世界共有超過 100 個分部,全球會員數超過 10000 人。台灣分部最早成立於 2001 年,2008 年一度關閉,2012 年底再度開始活動。

IGDA 的活動對象為「開發者個人」,其主要活動內容包括分享資訊、建立開發者社群以及主辦 Global Game Jam 等等,旨於促進各地開發者之間的交流。台灣分部目前將以資訊交流以及主辦 Game Jam 為主要活動內容,希望進一步加強國內遊戲開發者交流風氣,以及增加業界、社群、學校之間的互動機會。




Student Game Dream 學生遊戲夢 是一群有信念的學生在 2014 年所創立的遊戲校園社群,最初於學校內免費授課逐漸壯大的學習社群,現在我們有了線上互動社群以及線下活動 學生遊戲黑客松(Student Game Jam , SGJ)以及學生遊戲群英會(Student Game Elite Conference , SGEC),期待這個社群能帶動學生間對遊戲開發技術的追求與分享交流,使這份信念讓獨立開發者成長茁壯。


Media Partners


巴哈姆特成立於1996年,是第一個以電玩為主題的論壇。如今已經邁入第 21 年,是目前台灣最大的ACG社群網站。我們的使命是藉由社群力量,把動漫畫、電玩市場帶到一個更蓬勃、更健全的發展,整合各式媒體,提供最新、最正確的動漫畫與電玩資訊。


QooApp是專注於二次元的手機遊戲平台。自2014年問世,受到了台港澳地區玩家的信賴和喜愛;踏入2016年中,QooApp加強了英語、韓語、日語等多語言的內容和服務,全球用戶總數突破了10,000,000!(本文系QooApp獨家原創,如欲轉載,請註明出處 www.qoo-app.com) #4695
無論是過去還是將來,QooApp 都不會把這些視作理所當然,Mr. Qoo和同伴們會一直加油,成為更值得各方朋友們攜手合作、共同成長的夥伴。


SQOOL.NET is a Japanese game information media. They regard the exchange between the Taiwanese game market and the Japanese game market as important, and are continuing to cover the Taiwan game.


TGDF 執行委員會

TGDF執行委員會由許多熱情並願意長期投入心力,幫助台灣遊戲產業發展的各方人士組成。因為這些人的奔走與投入,台北遊戲開發者論壇(Taipei Game Developers Forum, TGDF)規模逐年成長,並且也有越來越多海外開發者與公司參加,成為國際級的遊戲產業重要活動。